Loomis Chaffee’s student-run online environmental publication

Editor's Pick

Editor's Pick

Amy He ’25 and Yilian Jiang ’25

The Kirk Dilemma: The Vanishing of Clark’s Beloved Tortoise

Amy He 25 and Yilian Jiang 25

This school year, we walked into Clark and were confronted with an empty Kirk-shaped space where our beloved tortoise friend should have been. To our distress, three years of walking by a capacious tank and seeing a shy head peeping out of a shell had ended on a random weekday morning: the hallmark of Clark was gone. Yet, despite our mourning Kirk’s departure, we admittedly knew little about our four-legged fellow besides the signage on his enclosure and the convoluted details of his character relayed by our tour guides. Indeed, although he had amassed a cult following during his tenure, Kirk was a man of little words and much mystery.

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