Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Global Impact

Katelyn Kim 25

Christine Wu 25

Society today has jeopardized the safety of the earth and its citizens by exposing them to the dangerous impacts of greenhouse gas emissions, a precarious influence of climate change. 

Greenhouse gas emissions trap the heat from the sun close to the earth’s surface, restricting the ability to release the heat to space, leading to the phenomenon called the greenhouse effect (Nunez, 2019). Initially, greenhouse gasses, such as carbon dioxide, did not threaten the environment and have “kept Earth’s climate habitable for humans and millions of other species” (Nunez, 2019). However, the excessive amounts of greenhouse gasses in recent years have posed more threats to the Earth than its benefits. 

The centralized reason for greenhouse gas emissions is the continuity of burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels, the dominant cause of global warming found in decomposing plants and animals, are usually categorized into coal, oil, and natural gasses (Fossil Fuels, 2022). All three elements play a crucial role in creating gasses like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, the main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions (Overview of Greenhouse Gases | US EPA, 2022). As humans have begun to burn and create more energy by industrializing our society based on fossil fuels, society has become more dependent on them, increasingly endangering ourselves through our actions.

So far, releasing gasses like methane has influenced society both through the health of citizens globally and environmentally. (Nunez, 2019). Health-wise, greenhouse gas emissions have contributed to “respiratory disease from smog and air pollution,” endangering those with sensitive lungs and weaker immune systems (Nunez, 2019). Environmentally, gas emissions have played a devastating role in disturbing food supplies/chains, influencing weather patterns, and increasing the frequency of wildfires (Nunez, 2019). Altogether, it is pivotal for the world to come together internationally to agree, acknowledge, and produce a solution to restrict future reliability concerning releasing greenhouse gas emissions. 

A large majority of countries have conceded the effects of greenhouse gas emissions through the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015. Though it is a considerable step in simply acknowledging the influence of gas emissions on our environment, we must find a solution to “evolve away from fossil fuels if we are to avoid the worst effects of climate change” (Nunez, 2019). Some possible solutions are “planting trees, restoring seagrasses, and boosting the use of agricultural cover crops” to eliminate a significant release of CO2 in the atmosphere (Nunez, 2019). Nevertheless, for the world to indeed restrict and evolve from producing future greenhouse gas emissions, eliminating societal reliance on fossil fuels can’t be easily replaced. Instead, it will be essential for countries internationally to implement and act upon new ideas. If you would like to educate yourself more and create a possible solution to greenhouse gas emissions, eliminate fossil fuel dependency, and climate change, use these Global warming solutions, facts, and information to guide you on your journey of impacting the health of the world!


Fossil Fuels. (2022, May 19). National Geographic Society. 

Nunez, C. (2019, January 24). Global warming solutions, facts and information. National Geographic. 

Nunez, C. (2019, May 13). Greenhouse gases, facts and information. National Geographic. 

Overview of Greenhouse Gases | US EPA. (2022, May 16). Environmental Protection Agency. 


The Paris Climate Agreement