Why do Oil Spills Happen?
Charlotte Preuss ’26
Eugenie Kim ’25 & Christine Wu ’25
Killing marine birds, mammals, and fish while destroying wetland and reef habitats, oil spills are devastating death sentences that pose immediate threats to animals and humans alike. In the US, thousands of oil spills occur each year (Oil Spills, 2020). Although most of these spills are small and occur due to careless errors, they still cause devastating impacts on the ocean and marine life.
Oil spills happen on both small and large scales. Small vessel ships are normally at fault for smaller oil spills, where they typically occur during the refueling of the ship. Meanwhile, large oil spills are often caused by situations where “pipelines break, big oil tanker ships sink, or drilling operations go wrong” (Oil Spills, 2020). These oil spills carry astronomical effects as “consequences to ecosystems and economies can be felt for decades following” (Oil Spills, 2020). Oil spills can also be the result of drilling or rig wells, as oil is found below the ocean floor and must be drilled to obtain it (NASA, n.d.). Ultimately, all oil spills introduce
When an animal is covered by oil due to an oil spill, their instinct is to clean and lick itself. However, this causes them to ingest the oil, where its toxic chemical properties will cause integral organ damage. In addition, oil spills pose threats to marine life by preventing their ability to regulate body temperature. For instance, sea otters depend on their fur to maintain a layer of air next to their skin, which acts as insulation to keep them warm in cold waters. Oil, when coating their fur, hinders their ability to maintain body heat and causes them to be hypothermic (Eunah Cho Preston 2019).
Not only do oil spills pose a threat to animals, but they also cause issues for humans. For example, when oil spills poison fish and shellfish, seafood becomes unsafe for human consumption. Additionally, a spill could also result in the shutdown of beaches and commercial fisheries, eventually causing a strain on local economies (How Can a Spill Affect Your Community?, 2023). Whether viewing the issue of oil spills from a marine life perspective or not, these spills are a very pressing issue that affects everyone, and people must learn how to prevent these disasters from happening.
When people are boating, a few easy steps can be taken to prevent oil spills. For instance, boats could be more attentive to not overfill fuel tanks, and recycle used oils and filters. Other methods include “use[ing] oil absorbent pads in the bilges of all boats with inboard engines” and “regularly inspect[ing] through-hull fittings often to reduce the risk of sinking” (Schutes, 2022). It is a boat owner’s responsibility to respect the waters they travel on and take a few extra minutes to ensure that they are not contributing to an accident that could harm hundreds of marine animals and humans alike. Similarly, for larger vessels, it is the responsibility of the company and engineers to make the protection and preservation of the ocean one of their main priorities when designing the vessel. Design flaws and hasty mistakes should never be valued in the name of economic profit when it puts wildlife and local communities at risk.
We must protect the marine life and local communities that rely on the reefs and habitats in the ocean by carefully following oil spill prevention measures. Oil spills affect local economies, habitats, and marine life, and can seriously “alter migration patterns and disrupt life cycles” (How Can a Spill Affect Your Community?, 2023). Beginning from an individual level, the small measures people can take when going boating can have a large and lasting positive effect on the ocean and its inhabitants.
Eunah Cho Preston. 2019. “Effects of Oil on Wildlife.” Oiled Wildlife Care Network / School of Veterinary Medicine. January 31,
2019. https://owcn.sf.ucdavis.edu/effects-oil-wildlife.
How can a spill affect your community?: Oil spills: Damage assessment, remediation, and restoration program. How can a spill
affect your community? | Oil Spills | Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program. (n.d.). https://darrp.noaa.gov/oil-spills/how-can-spill-affect-your-community.
NASA. (n.d.). Oil spills. NASA. https://appliedsciences.nasa.gov/what-we-do/disasters/oil-spills.
Oil spills | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (n.d.).
When it comes to oil and fuel spills, prevention is the best solution. Ocean Conservancy. (2022, December 12).